Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Activity 6d- Write a Piece of Performance Poetry

Activity 6d- Write a Piece of Performance Poetry

The dragon runs towards the cliff,
He flaps his wings and soars into the sky,
The future is depending on him,
On the ground, his friends wave goodbye.

Skies boom with thunder as the clouds roll in,
Rain drops splatter onto his snout,
The dragon dodges a bolt of lightning,
Then he feels the doubt

Would he make it to the fantasy land,
Before the world plunged into darkness?
Did it even exist?
This story-told land?

For days, he flies on,
The skies were thickening,
The days were just like night,
For the sun had stopped it's shining.

The world's end was dangerously near,
When at last, he sighted the land,
Shining like a gem, despite the darkness,
He proceeded to land.

The darkness swoops in like a bird,
Cloaking the last glimmers of light,
The dragon flies, furiously, towards the tower of the Word...

Will he make it?
Can he save the world?
Or has the end arrived?


Activity 4b- Do a SWOT Analysis

Activity 4b- Do a SWOT Analysis

Activity 1g- Write an Acrostic Poem About Yourself

Activity 1g- Write an Acrostic Poem About Yourself

Judgemental at times

Early Bird

Stresses out alot

Sensitive to negative feelings

Is quiet  

Curious about a lot of things

Anxious about what people think

Likes to play musical instruments

At times, quite strange

Activity 5a- Write a Poem in Synthesis with the Theme of the Given Pictures

Activity 5a- Write a Poem in Synthesis with the Theme of the Given Pictures

The Old Man

The old man quietly reads,
Resting in his rocking chair,
He studys various seeds,
And grows some plants of rare

His wrinkled hands are just like bark,
Weathered from a lifetime of use,
These hands feed a little brown lark,
And set an orange butterfly loose

The old man- the human tree,
His wrinkled skin resembling bark,
His eyes reflect a still grey sea,
As he walks to his plants, movement stark

The human tree provides a home,
To insects great and small,
He studies them in a small, green dome,
Counting legs and antannae in all

We pass his house again one day,
Wondering what he was doing,
Wondering what words he would say,
Wondering what plant oil he was brewing.

The man is planting a shiny seed,
A special tree, I'm told,
He unroots a flowering weed,
And buries the seed of gold
Then the old man quietly reads,
Resting in his rocking chair,
He clasps some various seeds
This man is quite of rare.